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Neue Machen & Lachen LehrerInnen: Willkommen!


Hello Lucy - she is teaching Yin & Moon Yoga every Tuesday 8-9.15pm in English.

"Hello beautiful soul,

My name is Lucy and I teach Yin and Moon Yoga and also happen to be an Evolutionary Astrologer.

When Nadine asked me to share my Yoga journey with her, I had to think for a moment, because somehow yoga had always been a part of my life.

Ever since i can remember I got to witness my beautiful mom practicing yoga. So naturally, I too felt inspired to gaze into her books and started to connect with the practise on my own.

After attending my first real yoga class I found myself laying in savasana, deeply enchanted by the magic of yoga.

This is where I knew immediately that yoga was my path and my purpose.

After i graduated from highschool i did my first of many teacher trainings, to be able to give something back to my community and have been travelling all over the world and teaching yoga along the way ever since.

At “ Machen und Lachen” I am going to teach Yin and am looking forward to hold a lot of space for you guys to explore the full blossom of the asana through the breath, to fully surrender and drop into feeling to initiate the healing.

If your heart is yearning for a vortex of stillness and deep connection to nature within the city jungle, this container will be just right for you.

As I am not only super passionate about yoga but also about astrology as a healing modality I love to infuse my classes with a little bit of astrology to align you with the astrological quality of the day. Here we learn to understand and embrace the rhythms of outer cosmos as a mirror of our inner world.

Feel free to join with an open mind and open heart and take with you whatever resonates!

See you on the Mat⭐️"

Hi Marie - wird immer wieder Yoga BASIC und Vinyasa übernehmen!

"Mein Name ist Marie und ich bin ausgebildete Vinyasa–Yogalehrerin.

Yoga ist seit etwa zehn Jahren Ausgleich und wichtige Ressource in meinem Leben. 2022 habe ich das Yoga Teacher Training im Karmakarma absolviert, um mein Wissen zu erweitern und vor allem meine Begeisterung und die positiven Effekte an andere Menschen weiterzugeben.

In meinen kreativen Stunden hast du die Gelegenheit, einen liebevollen und achtsamen Umgang mit deinem Körper zu praktizieren, dich von Erwartungen und Druck zu befreien, Leichtigkeit zu gewinnen, Gedanken auf Wolken zu setzen und Anspannungen zu lösen.

Ich freue mich auf dich!"

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